
Библиотека полезных функций для MODX.
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Автор дополнения
Сергей Шлоков
31 795
Автор дополнения
31 795
Версия 4.0.0-pl
Дата выпуска 30.04.2021
Загрузки 705
Просмотры 13 470
Внимание, этот компонент требует версию PHP 5.6 или выше! Если ваш сайт использует PHP ниже требуемого, установка этого дополнения может его сломать.
Внимание, этот компонент требует версию MODX не ниже 2.7 !
Библиотека полезных функций для MODX для удобной разработки. В данный момент в библиотеке более 70 функций.

Немного примеров

# Проверка существования пользователя по email
if (user_exists(['email'=>'']) {
    // Пользователь с таким email существует

# Получить данные из кэша
$value = cache('key', 'my_data');
// Альтернативный вариант
$value = cache()->get('key', 'my_data');

# Отправка почты
email('', 'Тема','Содержание письма');
// Пользователю
email_user('admin', $subject, $content);

# Получить последний ресурс.
$resourceObject = resource()->last(); // Объект ресурса
$resourceArray = resource()->last()->toArray(); // Массив с данными ресурса

# Последние 10 ресурсов.
$resObjects = resources()->last(10);

# Массив с заголовками ресурсов родителя с id=20. Можно использовать для формирования селекта.
$titles= resources()->where(['parent'=>20])->get('pagetitle'); // array('pagetitle 1', 'pagetitle 2', 'pagetitle 3')

# Записать значение в сессию
session('key1.key2', 'value'); // => $_SESSION['key1']['key2'] = $value;
//# Получить значение из сессии
$value = session('key1.key2');  // $value = $_SESSION['key1']['key2']

# Проверить валидность email
if (is_email($email)) {
   // Почта валидная

Обсуждение компонента в сообществе MODX.PRO.


  • Added function "build_tree".
  • Added function "reading_time".
  • Added function "sanitize_path".
  • Added function "value".
  • Removed function "faker".
  • Refactored the dump function. Now you can pass multiple agruments.
  • Added the ctx parameter for the login and logout functions.
  • Fixed the attach function of the Mailer class (#2).


  • Added new function "get_exec_args".


  • Added new function "exec_bg_script".
  • Added new function "timer".
  • Added "subDomain" and "subDomains" methods to the Request class.
  • Added "storeAsOriginal" method to the UploadedFile class.


  • Added new function tag_encode.
  • Added new function tag_decode.
  • Added new function array_is_assoc.
  • Added new function is_odd.
  • Added new function is_even.
  • Added some methods to the Str class (used in the "string" function).
  • Added dd() and dump() methods to the Collection class.
  • Updated all composer dependencies.


  • Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2.


  • Added new function "string".
  • Added new function "str_concat".
  • Fixed the bug with the email function.


  • Added new function "first".
  • Added new function "optional".
  • Added new function "html_attributes".
  • Improved the functions css() and script().


  • Added the session manager.
  • The "session" function called without arguments returns the session manager instead of $_SESSION.
  • Added new function "dump".
  • Added new function "dd".
  • Added new function "has_parent".
  • Calling "user(true)" returns the current user.
  • Calling "resource(true)" returns the current resource.
  • Fixed a bug with caching in the "snippet" function.
  • Updated composer libraries.
  • Renamed the system setting "modhelpers_responseManager" to "modhelpers_responseManagerClass".


  • Changed syntax for file elements with the relative path.
  • Fixed the filter method of the Request class.


  • Added a new function "response".
  • Renamed files of the classes.
  • In the functions chunk() and snippet() you can specify the name with a relative path (if you use file elements).
  • Added file "config/config.php" to add custom system settings. Can be helpful in testing mode.


  • Fixed broken compatibility with PHP 5.5.


  • Added method "getCsrfToken" to the Request class.
  • Added method "checkCsrfToken" to the Request class.
  • Added method "isBot" to the Request class.
  • Added "bot_user_agents" system setting.
  • Added a new function "csrf_token".
  • Added a new function "csrf_field".
  • Added a new function "csrf_meta".
  • Changed the priority of the library loading.


  • Fixed bug with loading the ModelColunm class.
  • Removed debug info.
  • Updated the Faker library.


  • IMPORTANT! Added namespace "modHelpers" to the modHelpers' classes.
  • The requirement of the minimum PHP version is changed to 5.5.
  • Added a new function "request".
  • Added a new function "switch_context".
  • Added a new method "object" to the Object class.
  • Added a new method "parent" to the Object class.
  • Added a new method "first" to the Query class.
  • Added a new method "toString" to the Query class.
  • Added a new method "remember" to the CacheManager class.
  • All classes can be extended.


  • Added function "is_tablet".
  • Added function "is_desktop".
  • Added function "app".
  • Added function "filter_data".
  • Added function "null_if".
  • Added the "relogin" parameter to the "logout" function.
  • Improve the "pls" function.
  • Improve the "parse" function.


  • IMPORTANT! Changed the signature of the session() function. To put data to the session use an array.
  • Added function "session_pull".
  • Added function "default_if".
  • Added method "log" to the modHelpersMailer class. It can be helpful for testing.
  • Added method "toArray" to the modHelpersMailer class.
  • Added method "tpl" to the modHelpersMailer class which set a chunk as template for the email content.


  • Added function "is_mobile".
  • Added function "array_empty".
  • Added function "array_notempty".
  • Added functions "array_trim", "array_ltrim" and "array_rtrim".
  • Added functions "explode_trim", "explode_ltrim" and "explode_rtrim".
  • Added function "echo_nl".
  • Added function "print_str".
  • Added function "print_d".
  • Added function "parse".
  • Added function "str_between".
  • Added function "str_limit".
  • Added functions - "str_starts", "str_ends", "str_contains" and "str_match".
  • Added the queue functionality to the mailer class.
  • The log functions can output objects which have the "toArray" method.
  • Code refactoring.


  • Added function "login".
  • Added function "logout".
  • Added function "is_ajax".
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Added function "load_model" for custom table.
  • Added method "joinGroup" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added method "leaveGroup" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added method "whereIn" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added method "whereNotIn" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added method "whereLike" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added method "whereNotLike" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added method "whereIsNull" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added method "whereIsNotNull" to the collection class for users and resources.
  • Added class modHelperMailer which allows to use chains of methods.


  • Added function "faker" that generates fake data.
  • Added function "img".
  • Added method "whereExists" to the collection class.
  • Added method "whereNotExists" to the collection class.
  • Added method "elements" to the collection class.


  • Renamed "esc" function to "escape".
  • Added "memory" function.
  • Added "forward" function.
  • Added "orWhere" method to the collection class.
  • Added "each" method to the collection class.
  • Added "union" method to the collection class.
  • Added "members" method to the collection class.
  • Added an ability to pass a Closure to the collection functions.


  • Rename the log functions.
  • Add withTV method to the collection class.


  • Initial release.

Последние обсуждения в сообществе